Knee Pain

The cause of knee pain

The answer is a decline in the ability of sole to absorb shock and torsion waves. With bunions, ungrounded toe or flatfoot, this function does not act normally. Using a building as an example, when the framework is strong, the building is stable over hundreds of years unless a large earthquake strikes, destroying the building with shock and torsion waves. For humans on the other hand, we continually absorb surplus shock and torsion waves that focus in the areas with the largest distortion, attacking continuously unless your soles are capable to absorb these harmful waves. In the knee, these waves can cause the deformation, fatigue fracture and ligament damage with no clear cause. Although one shock or torsion wave is small, it can be equal to a large earthquake if sustained over years. This is the hidden cause of Osteoarthritis of the knee as well as sports injuries of the knee.

Then who can safely absorb the shock and torsion waves transmitted to the knee? The key is their sole. When a person has a bunion, ungrounded toe or flatfoot, their sole becomes imbalanced and cannot absorb the harmful waves from the ground. Such imbalanced sole accelerates 2 point walking (heel and the root of toes), instead of 3 point walking (toes, root, heel). The center of gravity shifts from the foot’s center towards the heel and the harmful waves are transmitted directly to the knee, being compounded further with the weight load.

The cases of knee pain

Female 50’s
Bunion on both right and left, O-shaped leg, Osteoarthritis of the knee

Female 50’s
Bunion on both right and left, O-shaped leg, Osteoarthritis of the knee

Female 50’s
Bunion on both right and left, O-shaped leg, Osteoarthritis of the knee