Knee Pain

What is your knee pain?
(Knee pain of 8 directional diagnosis)

When it is applied to the theory of Strain Structural Medicine (G-Balance Medicine),

  • 1, To either of following『Structural imbalance』①front ②rear ③left (inside) ④right (outside) ⑤center
  • 2, ⑥ shock ⑦torsion as『Strain imbalance』
  • 3, is recurrently added as well as『Environmental imbalance』such as sports or job.

Categorizing damage of unknown causes
The eight directional Diagnosis

  1. 1) pain at the front of knee
  2. 2) pain at the rear of knee
  3. 3) pain inside of knee
  4. 4) pain outside of knee
  5. 5) pain in the center of knee
  6. 6) pain in the knee bones
  7. 7) pain in the knee ligaments,
  8. 8) knee pain by environmental conditions
 Main Complaints, DiagnosisEight Directional ImbalancesMajor causes, Dynamic Imbalances 
1Pain in the front of knee (Osgood-Schlatter Disease) Front ImbalanceDisorder due to strain caused primarily by forward deflection of center of gravity
2Pain in the rear of knee (Rear deflection knee pain) Rear ImbalanceDisorder due to strain caused primarily by backward deflection of center of gravity
3Pain inside of knee (Deformed “O” shaped knee joint) Left and/or Right ImbalanceDisorder due to strain caused primarily by left (inside) deflection of center of gravity
4Pain outside of knee (Deformed “X” shaped knee joint) Left and/or Right ImbalanceDisorder due to strain caused primarily by right (outside) deflection of center of gravity
5Pain center of knee (Jumper`s knee) Top-Down Imbalance (loss of curve) Disorder due to strain caused primarily by excessive concentration of center of gravity
6Pain due to bone damage (Meniscal lesions of the knee) Shock ImbalanceDisorder due to strain caused primarily by repeated excessive impact
7Pain due to damage to Cruciate ligaments Torsion ImbalanceDisorder due to strain caused primarily by repeated excessive torsion
8knee pain due to environmental conditions Environmental ImbalanceDisorder due to physical/ mental strain caused primarily by imbalanced living environment

Heberden related knee pain (Knee Heberden)

Furthermore, there are cases of “Heberden” related knee pain.

Knee Heberden is an original concept, nevertheless it needs to be identified and explained as there are a huge number of middle aged patients who have been suffering for a long time. It must be distinguished from “normal osteoarthritis of the knee” because the way of approaching and treating differs. Mistreatment makes the injury worse. Here are major complaints of Knee Heberden.

●Fluid build-up in the knee
●Strong pain and night pain
●Sudden deformation
●Long term suffering
●Difficulty bending the knee
●Impossible to sit straight with knee bent
●Artificial joint or surgery already suggested at medical institutions

Although it is different from rheumatism, similarly, Knee Heberden has brittle bone and osteoclastic, which is easily deformed. Therefore, early discovery and treatment is indispensable. Fixing the damaged part as soon as possible is important to minimize its deformation and contracture.
Please refer to the detailed article about Heberden.


Other type of knee pain could be disease related, please consult with specialists immediately to decide the treatment method.

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