1. When Kasahara taping (for pain-free cases), the tape must stay dry for the first two days. Generally, one taping lasts 3 to 4 days.
2. When Kasahara taping (in case of pain), the tape must be kept dry, so please cover your foot with a plastic bag or other method as needed.
3. We usually recommend removing the tape on the third evening to keep your foot clean and to allow rest from the taping. 3-toe socks and other supports are ideal substitutes during this time.
4. For sensitive skin, we recommend “taping method in case of pain” or, alternatively “bandage and 3-toe socks in combination”.

5. We recommend using 3-toe socks and bunion supporters in case of athlete’s foot, rashes, allergies or skin disease.
6. We would like to emphasize that the treatment is not guaranteed nor intended to correct deformities.
7. Please follow the guidance of specialists if you have sensitive skin.
8. Kindly note that alternative tapes could be thicker, more irritating and less durable.