Ungrounded Toe

How is ungrounded toe related to injury and deformation?

As mentioned, ungrounded toe can cause bone or joint deformation of knee, back and neck, stiff shoulder and neck as well as fatigue fractures. Especially, in cases where the neck is impacted, unbalanced toe can trigger autonomic imbalance, panic attacks and depression, in adults as well as children. As a matter of fact, 90% of the patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis of knee, cervical or lumber hernia, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, and spinal stenosis also have ungrounded toe.

How is ungrounded toe related to these deformations and injuries?

① With 2-point walking, you cannot absorb shock waves and torsion waves transmitted to the upper body part.

② Ungrounded toe promotes “2-point walking”, where you balance yourself with the heel and ball of the sole. This shifts the center of gravity towards the heel rather than being centered.

③ The impact continues and worsens in a daily life.